
We were pleased to participate to the conference “The green Economy in Serbia – opportunities” organized by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce of the green Serbia, French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the French embassy in Serbia.

The subject: The environnmental issues – Let’s acclimatize ourselves!.

These last months, Serbia is became  a leader in the Balkan to combat the climate change.

The conference brought together representatives of governments, local institutions, researchers and innovative  businness, NGOs and citizens commitment’s to combate the climate change.
Serbia face’s a number of challenges, even as it continues to pursue economic reform and transition that will ensure long-term sustainable development.

We are part of synergies that could be developed to create the necessary enabling conditions for a transition to the green economy.

We need to develop tools to combate climate change that will also contribute to reaching our goals – a sustainable economy and creating new jobsin Serbia.

The Serbian government has expressed its motivation to undertaken green economic reform and has confirmed this by setting up policy frameworks in key sectors and identifying potential financial ressources.

Caerus GG aims to focus on investment projects promoting green economy that
-reduce carbon emission and pollution,
-enhance energy and resource efficency and
-prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
A green economy is defined as an economy that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.

A number of French companies present in the conference has exposed their expertise and experience.

According to the United nations conference on climate change in Paris  from 30th November to 11 th december 2015 – COP21, the conference is crucial because the expected outcome is a new international agreement on climat echange , applicable to all , to keep global warming below 2°C.

This event  was an introduction  to the next conference in Paris  where Serbia has its whole place.


We were pleased to participate to the 1st Canadian-Serbian Business Forum at Belgrade.

The conference brought together a large number of representatives of Serbian and Canadian governments, institutions for promotion of investments and economic cooperation, Chambers of Commerce, financial institutions, experts, NGOs and business.

what’s the purpose: to share knowledge and experience towards greater economic cooperation in the fields of mining, IT, agriculture, food industry, pharmaceutical industry, energy, infrastructure.

Serbia becomes a business attractive destination.

Caerus GG share the same point of view with his excellency Mr. Philip Pinnington – Ambassador of Canada in Serbia that Serbia becomes a good place for investments.

We’ve followed and listened with great attention all panels and most specifically the successfull experience of Canadian companies in Serbia.


We were pleased to participate to the International Days of Energy and Investment at Novi Sad .

We ‘ve been informed about potential energy projects, advanced technologies as well as forms of financing of energy projects.

The conference brought together a large number of representatives of governments, local governments, financial and devlopement institutions and organizations (national and international), investors in the energy sector.

What’s the purpose? To encourage investments in the energy sector, industrial parks, construction of waste water treatment plants, to stimulate using of renewable energy sources, to implement the ESCO contracts as well as PPP and to rise the awareness in Serbia and the region to implement energy efficency measures.

Caerus GG is aware about the importance of conserving our planet. As we are based in Serbia, it’s our duty to informed our environment about the consequences of degrading the earth. So all projects we are going to be involved,  will take account in common of the strategy of the Serbian governments how to develop a sustainable economy focused on sustainable energy and environmental protecion.

Our currency is to build a better future for us and our children.

We have already started!


We are pleased to annouce that we have signed a memorandum of cooperation with the municipality of Kraljevo for the promotion and  support of main projects of the city.

We were speciallly moved to signed our partnership at Kraljevdan.

Caerus GG will provide them the whole expertise in the investment project cycle and promote their infrastructure projects.

